Jon's Story
Meet Apostle Jon George
The following is a brief summary of the testimony of Minister Jon George. I pray that God speaks to you through it, and that we may grow together in the knowledge, wisdom, and Power of the Grace of God.
I was rescued from the clutches of darkness by the amazing Power of the Holy Spirit and brought into an eternal covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. After discovering the amazing relationship I now had with Jesus, and what He did in my heart, I immediately began to feel a calling stirred up within me to go into the jails & prisons to minister. I didn’t know of a program that that offered this ministry, so I went to the jail and met with the Chaplain independently. God opened the door for me to minister there, and that was how my ministry began to take root.
The more I began to share about Jesus, the more I realized the anointing upon my life. I ministered in the jail for 7 years. Within that time, God led me to begin studying at the Impact School of Supernatural Ministry, now called Empower Supernatural School of Ministry. It was here that God began to truly bring to the forefront the battle I had been having within regarding the theology of healing.

I had heard ministers teach that God wanted everyone healed, but I didn’t agree according to what I read in the scriptures (it’s amazing how we interpret scripture through the lens of our Christian experience). This topic came up in the class and it was instructed that God did indeed want everyone healed. I did not agree. But I went to God and told Him I absolutely had to know this once and for all. This began the sudden journey into discovering a side of God I had not fully understood.
Please CLICK HERE for the revelation God gave me that led me to discover the truth.
This revelation then led me into a wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit once I came into agreement with His Word. Suddenly, God began to show me that I was really lacking in praying for people. He showed me that if we really believe in something, there will be an action that follows. Also, I was trying to discuss with people what God was showing me, but was debating more than discussing. God spoke to me and explained that I needed to stop debating with others what He had shown me and to just start demonstrating it. This is when all Heaven broke loose!
As I began to go out and just believe for peoples healings, demons began to manifest! This was because I was praying for people with persistence, rather than just a ‘drive-thru’ (fast food) approach to prayer. I actually spent some time with them in prayer, truly believing God o do what we were asking Him to do, and waiting on Him to do it. I began to take notice of how often demons were actually responsible for so many of peoples life issues. I definitely was not on the hunt for demons. I was on the hunt for healing. But with this came deliverance. Then came the birth of another mighty revelation. “Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came that we might have life and life in abundance”. – John 10:10
This was now my gauge for prayer. And what came next shocked even me… Check it out HERE.

“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues…. they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” — Mark 16:17-18