God has laid it on the heart of Apostle Jon George to facilitate a meeting that provides the direction and the tools needed to launch a successful business, grow in your current business, and learn about various investment opportunities. 

Currently, this is an entry level course that is for those at the following levels:

a) you haven’t even thought about starting a business, but would like to hear about WHY having a small business is a better way!
b) you may have wanted to start a business but don’t know where to start or how to do it.
c) you started a business but do not report the income because you are afraid it will negatively affect you. 

d) You have always wanted to learn about different investment opportunities, but don’t know where to start, or want to learn new ways  or methods.

e) you would like to hear about a plug-n-play business opportunity that you can start today.

f)  You want to grow /expand in your current business.

g) you want to add additional streams of income to your existing ones
h) you want to learn how to make money work for you

i) you want to make more money to use for other things.

Things that will be discussed at our mini seminars:
1) we have a CPA that is working with us to teach you how you can report your income with maximized write offs so it will not negatively affect you financially or any benefits you currently receive. (This Accountant will be taking new clients if you desire.)
2) we will have guest small business owners, investment gurus, business consultants, tax advisors, investment opportunities, prophetic investment instructions, partnerships, networking opportunities, and so much more for people on every level.
3) we will even have a few opportunities you could do right now if you decide to.
4) why having a small business is better than having a job in so many ways!
5) retirement options
6) stewardship. Budgeting
7) credit Repair

…and more!

Local Attendees,
Bradenton, FL

Online Attendees