God, Please Heal My Child’s Sensory, Developmental, Autism, and/or Behavioral Disorders.

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So many parents are struggling in secret. Some can’t hide it.
Their children are suffering with emotional instability, mental illness, autism spectrum disorder; or numerous other behavioral, sensory, and/or developmental disorders.
This has such a reciprocating effect in many cases affecting the parents greatly.

I never knew going into this ministry that we would be able to help so many children with such instantaneous miraculous results that many parents spend decades searching for, and in most cases, never find.

There are so many options out there nowadays, you can literally spend forever trying everything that people (including professionals) recommend.

Becoming a Christian changed my life because I began to experience the newness of life that Jesus promises in His Word. But I had no idea what awaited me by continuing in His Word.

God is like anything else, whereas He needs to gain your trust in order to take deeper leaps with Him. As He grabbed a hold of my heart like no other, it became evident He had what I was looking for. As I began to trust His weightier promises, I learned He is truly a miracle worker.
It just takes a prayer of radical faith, to believe in His ability and willingness to provide.

No matter what your position is on what I just said, maybe you’ll consider the following testimonies as evidence that Jesus is alive today, working in countless lives for those who will trust in Him. I pray that as you read them, they reach the deepest places of your heart as they have mine. God Bless, -Jon George



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