You better believe it!
That’s like asking if God still speaks to people today.
Or if He still performs miracles today.
See, scripture says that the Glory of God in the New Covenant is even better than the Glory of God in the Old.
In fact, it wasn’t even until the New Covenant that the gifts of the Spirit were poured out so freely.
Sure, God healed in the Old Testament, and even spoke through His Prophets.
But in the New Covenant, we can clearly see that He uses men to bring forth His plans and purposes.
It is so important that we know and honor the gifts of the Spirit of God mentioned in scripture.
I did a sermon yesterday that spoke on several things pertaining to how Prophets can lead the masses in times of major world events. The sermon was mainly on Babylon and World Systems , but I went over how Prophets are used extensively during times of great troubles to lead Gods people out of danger.
This is the method of operation per God from the beginning all the way through the end.
Unfortunately, too many today are looking for false Prophets more than they are true Prophets.
But if you listen to the true Prophets of God in this hour, they will share some shocking discoveries.
That God is on the Throne, and He has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies!
I encourage you to watch my sermon given yesterday to hear how God used Prophets all through the scriptures.
I also named several prophecies from some proven Prophets of today and shared some of the things they have said related to what is happening now.
The Apostle Paul said EARNESTLY DESIRE the greater gifts of the Spirit, and that he wished that everyone would prophesy because it is a “greater gift of the Holy Ghost”. (1 Cor. 14:5).
It is a DYNAMIC thing when the Lord gives us things HE CALLS “gifts”.
Man, what a POWERFUL thing if He is giving us things He calls “gifts”.